Featured Story 23 September 2020
Investing in the Community
Written by Breann Lujan-Halcon
This September, Ivinson is proud to participate in the United Way of Albany County’s annual fundraiser. Through Thanksgiving, Ivinson, local businesses and countless individuals will take part in a community wide effort that supports local Laramie services funded by the United Way.
What is the United Way?
The United Way of Albany County (UWAC) is a non-profit built on volunteerism whose purpose is to support the varied services and agencies aiding the Laramie community. Through direct support to its member agencies the United Way is able to provide a source of funding to non-profits providing human services to residents and underserved demographics.
“As a local non-profit, UWAC works to unite non-profit, business, and community organizations,” said Evelyn Edson, United Way of Albany County Executive Director. “Together we fight for the health, education, and financial stability of everyone in our community. Together we also create a service network for food and housing security, health and wellness, education and support, and community safety.”
Many agencies are able to leverage the donated funds for matching grants and other sources of income that they use to positively impact the community.
“Did you know that the cost of one cup of coffee can improve the quality of education offered to children in our community?” Edson said. “One of our partner non-profit agencies matches every $3 donated through United Way with $97 through grants.”
In order to maintain these services to the community, the United Way is continually looking for funding and donations, which is the mission of their annual fundraising campaign.
Last year, the Laramie community shattered the half a million dollar ceiling in donations for the first time ever. This year, the United Way is looking to up the ante and is aiming to raise $535,000.
“22 local organizations and business donate to United Way of Albany County through payroll deduction, Edson said. “We are so excited to have Ivinson Memorial Hospital a part of our leadership circle making donating to community non-profits easier than ever.”
Who do they help?
The United Way provides for 17 non-profit, social services agencies providing service locally. These agencies aid our community in a wide variety of ways that in turn, better our community as a whole.
The United Way provides for agencies that help our community…
…Prepare and respond to emergencies Albany County Branch of the American Red Cross | …Provide means for our neighbors Laramie Interfaith | …Secure a hot meal Laramie Soup Kitchen |
…Find new opportunities ARK Regional Services | …Stay informed Wyoming 2−1−1 | …Care for their mental and overall wellness Peak Wellness Center |
…Cultivate young leaders Big Brothers Big Sisters | …Feel supported through end-of-life transitions Hospice of Laramie | …Advocate for survivors SAFE Project |
…Develop young minds Developmental Preschool & Daycare Center | …Maintain independence while building connections The Eppson Center for Seniors | …Stay healthy Laramie Reproductive Health |
…Build families independence Family Promise of Albany County | …Heal our youth The Laramie Youth Crisis Center | …Own homes My Front Door |
…Access care for the uninsured The Downtown Clinic | …Educate young thinkers Laramie Headstart | …Provide in emergencies United Way Emergency Funds |
…File taxes Albany County Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) |
Why Donate
“The impact of your donations is substantial,” said Charlie DeWolf and Mary Burman, United Way campaign chairs. “Donations to UWAC helped provide over 280,000 free meals, safe shelter in the face of economic insecurity, illness or domestic violence to almost 2,000 individuals/families, preschool and youth programing for over 1,000 children and free or reduced health care to almost 2,000 community members.”
Your donation, no matter the size, makes a difference in the lives of Laramie residents and makes Laramie a better place to live.
“This is the good work that UWAC and its partner agencies do under ordinary circumstances,” DeWolf and Burman said. “But, as we know, COVID-19 and Wyoming’s economic downturn present unprecedented challenges to all of us in Albany County. The health, education and financial needs of our community will grow substantially over the coming months. We are a generous community and that generosity is more important now than ever. With all the uncertainty, you may think this is not the right time to donate. But, in fact, we can think of no time more important than now to give to UWAC. Gifts of any size make a difference.”
How to make a difference
At Ivinson, we are offering payroll deduct options for employees to make donations. Individuals wishing to make a one-time donation can do so on their website.
Making a difference does not have to come in a dollar amount, donations can come in many forms. You may be donating your time to help a local agency, donating perishables, or donating items that go unused in your household. Visit the United Way’s website, or one of their partner agencies to find out how you can give.