Featured Story 17 March 2020
Doctor's Day
Every March 30, we take the day to celebrate and thank Doctors.
On March 30, we recognize an important pillar of Ivinson and our community, the doctors that care for us. We celebrate Doctor’s Day and take time to thank those that have dedicated their lives to serving the health of others.
In celebration of the hard work doctors provide to their patients and the community, we asked our physicians why they pursued the noble profession in the first place. We asked who and what inspired them to become a specialist, a generalist, a care giver, a doctor. Here’s what they said:

“When I was young, my parents owned an independent pharmacy. I often would go with them as they delivered medications to customers. At an early age, I was able to observe my parents treating older adults with great respect. They often would stay extra and listen to stories their customers shared. I found these visits to be fascinating. Hearing about their lives and enjoying our time together had a huge impact on me. It influenced me to not only become a doctor, but to be a geriatrician.”

“My father was a physician and he was my greatest inspiration to become a doctor.”

“My family was a big motivator to go to med school, but I chose internal medicine because I enjoy talking with my patients. They come to me about their problems and I always enjoy when I can fix them.”

“When I was in college preparing for medical school, I worked as a manager for a small perfume store. The majority of my employees came from the city of Flint, Michigan which was unfortunately underserved in women’s health care and had a high rate of teen pregnancy. After working with several young women from this area and hearing their struggles, I felt very compelled to work hard for women’s rights and easy access to contraception and prenatal care.”

“I became a surgeon because I enjoy taking care of people and being able to work with my hands.”

“The most inspiring person I met during my path to become a physician was Dr. Robert McGuire. He was an OB/GYN in Cheyenne for many years. He founded Cheyenne OB/GYN in 1979. He is the reason I decided to specialize in OB/GYN. During my time with him as a student, he demonstrated every characteristic of a phenomenal physician. The relationships he developed with his patients each day were unlike any I had ever observed. These relationships ran deep and extensive through women’s lives and families. He demonstrated the importance of truly listening to the patient, and developing a plan as a team. He empowered his patients to strive to be healthier each day. Dr. McGuire insisted that quality care should be our first and only goal.”

“My dad was an urologist and I knew very early on that I wanted to be a doctor. I thought I was going to be a general surgeon. I really enjoyed medical school and the surgery specialty appealed to me. It’s kind of gadgety and it’s alluring to be able to have such an instant effect on someone’s health.”

“My dad was my inspiration to become a doctor. He was a pediatrician. I felt his passion in caring for children and to express their full potential by keeping them healthy at all times.”

“I had a high school Biology and Physiology teacher, Alan Jaggi. He saw something in me that I never saw. He instilled in me that the sciences were fun. He changed how I looked at school from the first time I had him as a teacher. He made learning fun, and for the first time in my life, I had a passion for something other than hunting and trucks. He showed me that my love for science could go further and pushed me to use this energy to help people. 11/12th grade science is when I first thought of medicine as a career. Without a mentor like Alan Jaggi I may not be in medicine.”