Hospital Updates 8 May 2020
Open, Safe and Ready
Updated: 5/8/2020
Learn about how Ivinson is responding to COVID-19 within our hospital and the community.
We’re Here For You
Ivinson Memorial Hospital is dedicated to the health and safety of our patients and community. We are open, safe and here for you.
As we schedule appointments, including outpatient services and clinic visits, we’re taking every precaution possible to ensure it’s safe to see your doctor while receiving world-class care.
How We’re Keeping Patients Safe
- We are offering dedicated appointment times for elderly and high-risk patients.
- We will be screening patients over the phone and upon arrival.
- Our facilities are continually cleaned using enhanced procedures.
- Our staff and providers will wear masks and other PPE when they care for patients.
- For safety reasons, we have limited entrances and continued visitor restrictions.
- All persons entering the facility will be required to wear a mask.
Face Masks
Please bring your own face mask or covering to wear when visiting the hospital or Ivinson Medical Group. To ensure your safety, all staff are required to wear a face-covering or mask while at work to guard against transmission of COVID-19.
Testing | Ivinson is currently testing for COVID-19, following Wyoming Department of Health testing priority guidelines. As capacity for testing has expanded at the Wyoming Public Health Laboratory, Ivinson has expanded testing for patients with symptoms compatible with COVID-19. Turnaround times on testing will vary based on WDH priority categories. |
Protect Yourself | Continue to protect yourself and others by washing your hands often, avoiding close contact with people who are sick, putting distance between yourself and other people, covering your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others, covering your coughs and sneezes and cleaning and disinfecting surfaces daily. |
Ivinson Memorial Hospital continues to receive guidance from the CDC and Wyoming Department of Health and adjust operations as necessary.
Testing Priorities
What To Do If You Are Sick
If you have a fever, cough or other symptoms, you might have COVID-19. Most people have mild illness and are able to recover at home. If you think you may have been exposed to COVID-19, call your healthcare provider.
- Keep track of your symptoms.
- If you have an emergency warning sign (including trouble breathing), get medical attention right away.
Stop The Spread of COVID-19
Wash Your Hands to “Ragtime Cowboy Joe”
Sometimes singing “happy birthday” to yourself twice isn’t very fun; next time try singing Ragtime Cowboy Joe instead! This fun and informative poster was adapted from the World Health Organization Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care.
Supply Donations
We thank our community members for reaching out about Ivinson’s needs for personal protective equipment. Please refer to our donation page for the latest information.
For more resources and the most up-to-date information about COVID-19, we recommend you visit the CDC website or the Wyoming Department of Health website.