Patient Financial

Thank you for choosing Ivinson for your healthcare needs. Our Patient Financial Services team is dedicated to helping you understand your bill and answer any questions you may have.
Patients who are paying on an account that begins with “V” should call our business office directly to make a payment.
We want to make it as easy as possible for you to manage the costs of your services. The information on this page is intended to help you better understand our billing process, payment options and the financial assistance Ivinson offers to qualified individuals.
what to bring
When arriving for services at Ivinson, please have your insurance card(s) with you. In an effort to protect and confirm your identity, we request you present your driver’s license or other photo ID. In order to bill your insurance company for your Ivinson services, we will need the following information:
- Name of insurance.
- Insurance’s complete mailing address and phone number.
- Insurance policy’s group number.
- Patient’s identification number.
- Policy holder information including name, address, birthday, employer, etc.
If your insurance carrier requires a referral, please remember to bring it with you to your first appointment with us. Also, if you have an Advanced Directive (a living will and/or durable power of attorney for healthcare) please bring this with you as well.
patient receives services
After receiving services at Ivinson, the billing process begins. when you provide your insurance and demographic information at registration. Please make sure to provide us with your most current insurance information.
charges are recorded and a claim is coded
The charges applied to your account are coded based on the physician order and chart documentation.
claim is submitted to insurance or self-pay patients receive a statement
As a courtesy, Ivinson will submit claims directly to your insurance company. We will work with you and your insurance company to resolve any issues that may arise. If you have more than one plan, Ivinson will also bill your secondary/tertiary insurance.
claim payment is made by insurance
Once your insurance has processed a claim, they will send you an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) informing you of our charges, their payment amount and the amount for which you are responsible. Ivinson will also receive an EOB and/or payment from your insurance company.
statement is sent to patient
If you are uninsured or have a patient balance after an insurance payment or denial, you will receive a statement from our billing agency Clear Health Financial Solution (CHFS). CHFS is not a collection agency.
account resolved
Your accounts will be considered resolved once we have received full payment. If you are uninsured, underinsured or having financial difficulty, please contact our Financial Counselor at (307) 755‑4389 to discuss payment plans or financial assistance that may be available.
pricing transparency
Useful pricing information for patients to be able to make informed healthcare decisions.
Financial Assistance
A program designed to assist patients who may not have the ability to pay their hospital bills.
insurance guide
Insurance can be difficult to navigate. Here are some tips and tricks of the trade.