BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Solspace/Calendar//EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20241121T133305 DESCRIPTION:This course is only for stu­dents with cur­rent PALS certi fications. PALS Renewal Prerequisites include successful com pletion of the online pre-test\, and a current unencumbered AHA PALS certificate. All participants must be able to succe ssfully demonstrate the actual physical skills which may inc lude performing compressions and backslaps\, kneeling\, and squeezing the bag valve mask. LOCATION:Check the LMS for Location DTSTART:20231208T080000 DTEND:20231208T170000 SUMMARY:Pediatric Advanced Life Support Recertification END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20241121T133305 DESCRIPTION:This course is only for stu­dents with cur­rent PALS certi fications. PALS Renewal Prerequisites include successful com pletion of the online pre-test\, and a current unencumbered AHA PALS certificate. All participants must be able to succe ssfully demonstrate the actual physical skills which may inc lude performing compressions and backslaps\, kneeling\, and squeezing the bag valve mask. LOCATION:Check the LMS for Location DTSTART:20240119T080000 DTEND:20240119T170000 SUMMARY:Pediatric Advanced Life Support Recertification END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20241121T133305 DESCRIPTION:This course is only for stu­dents with cur­rent PALS certi fications. PALS Renewal Prerequisites include successful com pletion of the online pre-test\, and a current unencumbered AHA PALS certificate. All participants must be able to succe ssfully demonstrate the actual physical skills which may inc lude performing compressions and backslaps\, kneeling\, and squeezing the bag valve mask. LOCATION:Check the LMS for Location DTSTART:20240531T080000 DTEND:20240531T170000 SUMMARY:Pediatric Advanced Life Support Recertification END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20241121T133305 DESCRIPTION:This course is only for stu­dents with cur­rent PALS certi fications. PALS Renewal Prerequisites include successful com pletion of the online pre-test\, and a current unencumbered AHA PALS certificate. All participants must be able to succe ssfully demonstrate the actual physical skills which may inc lude performing compressions and backslaps\, kneeling\, and squeezing the bag valve mask. LOCATION:Check the LMS for Location DTSTART:20240614T080000 DTEND:20240614T170000 SUMMARY:Pediatric Advanced Life Support Recertification END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20241121T133305 DESCRIPTION:This course is only for stu­dents with cur­rent PALS certi fications. PALS Renewal Prerequisites include successful com pletion of the online pre-test\, and a current unencumbered AHA PALS certificate. All participants must be able to succe ssfully demonstrate the actual physical skills which may inc lude performing compressions and backslaps\, kneeling\, and squeezing the bag valve mask. LOCATION:Check the LMS for Location DTSTART:20240823T080000 DTEND:20240823T170000 SUMMARY:Pediatric Advanced Life Support Recertification END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20241121T133305 DESCRIPTION:This course is only for stu­dents with cur­rent PALS certi fications. PALS Renewal Prerequisites include successful com pletion of the online pre-test\, and a current unencumbered AHA PALS certificate. All participants must be able to succe ssfully demonstrate the actual physical skills which may inc lude performing compressions and backslaps\, kneeling\, and squeezing the bag valve mask. LOCATION:Check the LMS for Location DTSTART:20241009T080000 DTEND:20241009T170000 SUMMARY:Pediatric Advanced Life Support Recertification END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20241121T133305 DESCRIPTION:This course is only for stu­dents with cur­rent PALS certi fications. PALS Renewal Prerequisites include successful com pletion of the online pre-test\, and a current unencumbered AHA PALS certificate. All participants must be able to succe ssfully demonstrate the actual physical skills which may inc lude performing compressions and backslaps\, kneeling\, and squeezing the bag valve mask. LOCATION:Check the LMS for Location DTSTART:20241220T080000 DTEND:20241220T170000 SUMMARY:Pediatric Advanced Life Support Recertification END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR